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2sergej(382329)В Сочинский образцах все с ДНА в порядке, это в других (но того же атлета), стр 74 доклада

In Chapter 3, it was explained that one individual athlete gave 3 samples of urine
at Sochi and another sample in the Autumn of 2014 which was stored at the
Moscow Laboratory and later removed by WADA. These 3 Sochi samples had
the same DNA as expected, since Dr. Rodchenkov’s evidence is that dirty Sochi
samples were replaced with clean urine from the same athlete. However, the
DNA in the 2014 sample was found to come from a different person. This was
consistent with Dr. Rodchenkov’s evidence that the clean urine used to swap the
2014 samples came from other people.

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