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Какие сканы, когда ты сам признаешь "никто из свидетелей не захотел с ним общаться"? Т.е. запросы были, а в какой форме - это уже не суть важно.

А команда - это DCO. Куда и когда они приезжали, как их не пускали, угрожали и т.п. найдешь по ссылке ниже.

Кратенько из вики https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doping_in_Russia

In June 2016, WADA released a report stating that the work of its Doping Control Officers (DCO) had been limited by a "significant amount of unavailable athlete reports and missed tests", insufficient or incorrect athlete location information, and little information about the location or date of competitions. Some athletes named military cities requiring special permission to enter as their location and some national championships, including Olympic qualifiers, were held in cities with restricted access due to civil conflicts, preventing testing of the competitors.[47] WADA also reported intimidation of DCOs by armed Federal Security Service (FSB) agents; "significant delays" before being allowed to enter venues; consistent monitoring by security staff; delays in receiving athlete lists; and opening of sample packages by Russian customs.[47] 90% of Russian athletes did not respond or "emphatically" refused when WADA requested to interview them as part of its investigation.[48] Director general David Howman stated, "It was the very right time for those who considered themselves clean [to approach WADA]. They had nine months, plenty of time, and none came forward.

Т.е. возвращаясь к мессаге про «не горел желанием»: для приезда Макларена определенно почва была не готова.

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