
Hamburg, Deutschland
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The Czech Defense Ministry said that it had carried out “microsynthesis” of several micrograms at a time of potential chemical warfare agents, including Novichok and sarin gas. This did not amount to production as understood under international treaty and could not have leaked, it said.

“Substances referred to as ‘Novichok’ in the press, among them the A230 substance, are potential poisonous chemical substances, whose identification ... is part of the training of Czech anti-chemical military units,” a ministry statement said.

“The tested substance originates in a tube solely for the purpose of measuring spectral data and the content is always immediately destroyed after testing, in line with regulations and the Czech Republic’s commitments,” it said. “The probability of a leak, therefore, equals zero.”

Ну и плюс они говорят, что они производили другую разновидность яда, т.е. говорят, что от них это пойти не могло, хотя их в этом никто и не обвинял. Суть была в том, что произвести может много кто, а не только Россия, как пиздела Мей. Это чехи блистательно подтвердили. Уж даже если сраные чехи имеют нужные средства, то кто угодно имеет.

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