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А ты хули своё хлебало открываешь??
Твоё красно-зеленое гавно ещё нескоро в еврокубки попадет...
Иди молись на Левенца, чтоб больше 3-х за матч не привозил...
поцовитый наебщик
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ну низнаю - вспоминая наш разговор - отчасти я был прав -
2Dr.Kolbaskin(118570) - ни защиты ни стабильности - вот и укатывали под конец таймов.. ну с турками отбились.. кроме вчерашней их игры не смотрел ни одной - да и вчерашнее говно сложно игрой назвать - тупые, медленные, прямолинейные...

это он в ответ на то что рауль сказал что порвут их как ссаные тряпки. на что порваная ссаная тряпка сказала что нихуйа, 3-0 - это ерунда, и не такое видали - им ШИННИК столько закатывал :)))))))))))

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чуть не забыл - гранит памойка!хы!гы!баярскей!

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не,конечно изъёбываться на тему "вымученной победы 1-0 да чуть не пустили в конце" (при том что ДК устраивала ничья) при проигрыше собственных кумирофф такому гранду как Народно-Европейская Команда неделю назад - это очень по-спортклубовски
Красногорск, Россия
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"Реал не оправдал моих ожиданий, ни в первом матча ни во втором. Я ждал от них большего". (с) Зырянов..
он чего, на 6-0 рассчитывал?

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Ни понял прыжка чета :)) Это ты на пару с жирной вуткой предсказывал нам 4 место в группе. Хренасе, еще игру ему внятную в последней игре года, да еще там где устраивала ничья да еще и без Алиева? Нормальные запросики!
По мне так сыграли в этой Лиге просто на твердую 4. За шесть игр с не самыми уж слабыми командами пропустить 4 мяча! В прошлом году мы за тайм стока вынимали :)))
Не, хороший сезон. Чуть бы фарта на последних минутах вышли б и в плейофф.
Так что, всегда пожалуйста - если парсяча жопа заживет когда-нить, приходите еще :))))

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Ну ладно не равняй с Шахтером. Барса по честному вышла дублем, Реал играл основой. От основы Барсы кроты так же легко огребли бы от трех. Тока Барса теперь перед эль классико отдохнувшая, а Реал вчера играл. И я в упор не понимаю зачем. Их же на кампе на тряпки могут порвать через три дня... Странный Рамос какой-то...
Valkeasaari, Россия
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мордехай петрович

Cloud, аналитик футбольный,
С мыслями об минете.
Сосать - глагол его гложет,
Слюна изо рта, до полу.

Сморозил: "сосите!", - смело!
Сидит, медсестре рожи корчит.
Сиречь, новый босс в палате,
Cтавр, теперь курит писю.
Новокузнецк, 42 регион
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ну ка,скажи что делал в это время ваш любимый ФК Зенитушкасоси?
Москва, РФ
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Ужасный клоун

Удинезе-Интер 2-1(0-0).
Голы: Янкуловский(47), Якинта(60)
После 26-и туров Удинезе занимало 7-е место: 39 очков, +11=6-9, разность мячей 27-27.
поцовитый наебщик
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насчет данни праф - имхо как раз неучастием в еврочашках он ушел из дм.. ну вот и поучаствовал.. ладно, впереди еще много пупкоф уефа и много баварий.
поцовитый наебщик
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после таких мессаг хочется персонально тебя и всех болел звенита поздравить с прекрасной игрой на сантьяго.

Видич не играл с ольборгой, нахуйа, если они и так 1 место заняли.. или ты Видичем манчестер кличешь?

И в конце хочу поздравить сергсаха с замечательной игрой ДК ("и эти люди запрещают ковырятся мне в носу" (С)). абсолютно невнятнейшая игра против мертвых турков возглавляемых 100-летним зомби. не пустили в конце и ладно.

В общем спасибо ДК и Зениту за пиздатый футбольный вечер.

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Ну что, вот Зенит или, как говорят на ЗТ, "The nit" (гнида, лобковая вошь [англ.]) и пришел к закономерному финишу сезона 2008. 0-3. Ничего не значащий матч? Но в таком же "ничего не значащем" день назад Шахтер выиграл на Камп Ноу. Да и как может быть ничего не значащим матч ЛЧ на Сантьяго Бернабеу? Разве не это было мечтой Данни ака папа-мудак? Разве не самое время Аршавину ака вишенка (и еще целой группе игроков) показывать товар лицом? Нет, не получится у Зенита отмазаться "товарищеским" статусом игры. Хуйня-с.

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mediapunta = полублядь?


Володя праздновал бронзу в К-1?
город-геморрой москв...
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в то время зенита еще вообще не было...
город-геморрой москв...
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- господи, когда же это кончится?!
- ни-ко-гда!!! ... а что ты вообще имеешь в виду?
(С)берегись автомобиля
SPb, Ru
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2Vovcheg(132069), Кошицэ, 1-18, Штурм, Спарта и прочая хуета. xD ПРЕВЕД! xD
SPb, Ru
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Насколько же убог нынешний Ювентус, что не смог выиграть не одной игры у нищей борисовкой помойки. :(
Проголосовал? Нахуй!,
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Собственно, посос-то был классическим в классическом товарняке. Товарняке для Реала, а не для Зенита.
"Когда я шел на эту пресс-конференцию, честно говоря, подумал, что у меня нет особого желания долго говорить о прошедшей игре".
"- В принципе Андрей не должен был играть в этом матче. У него очень высокая температура, но он сам хотел выйти на поле".
А кто еще хотел выйти на поле вопреки желанию тренера, вопреки состоянию, вопреки здравому смыслу? Хоя? Ща шаволюбы сделают из него героя. Когда же наконец закончится его предпродажное шапито??
Новокузнецк, 42 регион
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+ к этому забыл ничью с Батэ :))
Новокузнецк, 42 регион
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ничья МЮ с какой-нибудь помойкой-чистая случайность,которая случается раз в 10-15 матчей.Ты типа хочешь приравнять праёбы Зенита от Реала/Юве и 5 место в ЧР к такой случайности?

И кому уж говорить о деньгах.Без этих денег вы бы щас посасывали на 9 месте после ФКСМ.КУЕФА и в помине не было

По поводу Неков и Баников..Вспомни,как твая любимая бамжатня из группы КУЕФА выкарабкивалась в том году??Едва ли не позорней чем сейчас Спартак.
Пока другие рисуют з...
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О. еще один баран. :))) Ебловчик, учись, ты еще до этого деградируешь - 2marek(132066) :))
марег, давай лишенец расскажи что показали ваши даже не "пососы", а тотальное позорище в играх с Киевом, Баником, НЕКом :)) Хотя конечно вы к этому уже привыкли :)
Да, вчера Зенит на радость всей мясной завистливой шайке проиграл. Проиграл к тому же откровенно насрав на игру. В отпусках, бля. Но у нас это разовая ошибка. А у мяса - систэма. Почувствуйте разницу :)))
Пока другие рисуют з...
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Еще один любитель мерить футбол деньгами. Насколько миллионов накупил игроков МЮ, что играет ДОМА внисью с какой-то помойкой, общий бюджет которой наверно меньше трансфера любого из вышедших вчера на поле в майке МЮ?
Какие бюджеты у НЕКа и Банника? Там вообще есть игроки с зарплатой хотя бы 500 тыс в год? :)
Ты бы хоть немного думал прежде чем писал. Если есть чем думать.
город-геморрой москв...
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да, ну и бамжатнег поздравляю с большим пососом.
тренировочный матч с реалом стал очень ярким показателем того, какова цена всех ваших так называемых "побед" в европе прошлой весной. особенно четко это видно на фоне ничьей, сделанной батэ с другим грандом в таком же тренировочном матче. прямо как в фильме про костю иночкина - "но я не смог... а он - смог!"
привыкайте, засранцы. кризис в стране, нет больше у газпрома бабок покупать вам баварии и кубки. сосите сами, бляди ебаные. превед.
город-геморрой москв...
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во-первых, ты врун.
"Никогда не говорил про период 2001-2007 а говорил "за последние 7 лет (как звучало у тебя)."
так вот слово "последние" у меня не звучало. у меня звучало вот так:
то-то ты лет семь, наверно, пиздел про "купленные" чемпионства спартака, когда бамжатнег сидел в жопе, где ему и положено :))
под "семь лет" я имел в виду период с последнего чемпионства спартака (когда я тебя помню в сети, но не уверен, поэтому и употребил слово "наверно") до чемпионства зенита, когда ты визжал от счастья и бредни про спартак для тебя стали неактуальны. собственно, именно это я и имел в виду. но ты, как всегда, приврал, передернул, подтасовал - и нарисовал себя в белом фраке.
по остальным высказываниям - ровно такая же ситуация, ровно.
кстати, не удивлюсь, если пойманный на вранье, ты сейчас радостно заявишь "в бан, на х... в бан!"
про то, что победы над марселями и вильяреалами никакими аргументами не являются после откровений гены петрова, я вообще скромно молчу.
кстати, ты третий раз не отвечаешь на вопрос - почему ты называешь его слова "пьяным бредом"? почему ты решил, что он был пьян? ты его продувал? или наливал ему? и почему тогда столь нежно любимые тобой базары дмитриева - не пьяный бред, а истина в последней инстанции?
Новокузнецк, 42 регион
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а че про Спартак говорить,тут всё видно невооруженным взглядом.
Команда заняла 8 место,просирает всем в Куефа.
НО от нынешнего Спартака большего ожидать и не приходится.

потому что подбор большинства футболистов на уровне Томи,плюс две трети сезона в тренерском штабе и руководстве творилось нипайми чиво.8 место-максимум нынешнего ФКСМ

А Зинид ваш,имея такой состав,купив 30 милионного Данни под ЛЧ,позорно играет с Батэ,сливает 3 матча из 4-х Реалу и Юве,и в ЧР занимает пятое место.

Вот и суди.Спартак наиграл на то,на что мог,а Зенид сасёт имея один из крупнейших бюджетов в мире,и такой подбор игроков.
Москва, Россия
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Мне кажется что в Зените еще и общая атмосфера испортилась. Это связано и с тем, что не отпустили одного из игроков, хотя тот очень хотел покинуть клуб. И с тем, что видимо отношения в команде между игроками не слишком хороши...

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A как обяснить такую метамрофозу с Баварией,которая безнадежно слив Зениту 0:4 и не купив летом вообще никого под ЛЧ,вдруг набирает 14 очков против многолетнего чемпиона Франции,крепкой Фиорентины и клуба,который явно посильнее Батэ.

А вы после тех 4:0 не можеты дома обыграть Борисов и сливаете 4 из 4 клубам,которые в Европе не котируются выше нынешнего Лиона.

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A как ваши ребята играли со СМ,который занял 8 место и сливает 7 команде Голландии у себя дома?

Именно ради этой исторической победы,которая открыла вам путевку в престижный УЕФА,вы подписали срочно за 30 млн Данни и не отпустили Аршавина в Европу?

Да,скажи,если победитель УЕФА примерно равен 1/2 ЛЧ,то почему победителю УЕФА платят меньше,чем команде,занявшей 4 место в группе ЛЧ и в разы меньше тем,кто дошел хотя бы до 1/8 финала ЛЧ?
Atlanta, USA
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Когда играют на победу не улыбаются при счёте 0-3. И команда которая обыграла в официальном матче за Суперкубок победителя ЛЧ не может стать посредственной за 3 месяца. Это та же команда. Вот мотивация не та ... И это конечно плохо. Но 2008 в России это один сезон. И в нём были уже Бавария, МЮ, Вилльяреал, Марсель, а у многих и Швеция с Голландией ... Игроков попробовавших это увы не получается завести даже и Реалом если матч незначащий. И это отнюдь не оправдание. Это - плохо, потому что профессионал не должен премыщаться успехами так быстро. Ещё и поэтому изменения необходимы и межсезонка важна.
Atlanta, USA
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Я кстати не сказал что в товарищеском матче мотивация должна отсутствовать. То что у многих явно отсутствовала, это меня огорчает. Некоторые игроки улыбались при счёте 0-3 ... так не можно.
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Надо думать, Зенит с Реалом кажную неделю дыр-дыр гоняет? Надоело уже?
Вопреки твоим пояснениям, игра была живая, и играли на победу, которую Реал взял за явным преимуществом. Оставь еврокубки в музее и сосредоточься на том, что есть сейчас. Зенит конца 2008-го посредственная команда, стабильно проигрывающая всем, кто выше уровнем - от Рубина до Реала. От того, что Спартак еще хуже, радости мало, дальше него уже идут коллективы физкультуры.
Valkeasaari, Россия
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мордехай петрович

Ты уж совсем мрачную картину нарисовал. Эмоциональный ты наш (почти,с) ;)
Я думаю, что в мае мы возьмем третью еврочашку. И уверен, что осенью станем трехкратными чемпионами страны.
Не спорь! )
Atlanta, USA
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На полном серьёзе. Как ещё можно назвать матч не имеющий турнирного значения? Я бы тоже сказал если б Зенит и выиграл у реала (я собственно и заранее это говорил если помнишь).

Насчёт диспозиции, твой вариант не искдючён но и не обязателен. Давай посмотрим что произойдёт в межсезонку, тогда обсудим. Во всяком случае на осеновании этого матча судить нельзя. С СМ например ребята играли иначе, то есть Европа следующего года им была небезразлична.

Хотя если помнишь я тоже выражал сомнения в целесообразности (не заслуженности а именно целесообразности) продления контракта с Адвокатом всего на 1 год в данных конкретных условиях. Но давай подождём всё же межсезонки перед тем как делать прогнозы.
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Насчет товарищеского характера матча - это шутка, да?

Диспозиция на конец сезона такова: команда развалилась, лидеры подыскивают, куда свалить. В межсезонье начнут строить новую, значит, в лучшем случае к осени Зенит сможет выйти на уровень, достаточный для конкуренции за медали. А там и контракты у Адвокаата и компании закончатся.
Atlanta, USA
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Я вот тебе такую историю расскажу. На ЧМ 82 одна командв сыграла три матча в группе вничью и вышла во второй этап по большему количеству голов (весьма формальный критерий). Причём её обвиняли потом что один матч она купила. А другая выиграла все три матча в группе, 2 из них с крупным счётом. По твоей логике, вторая команда много сильнее первой, так?
Но только на втором этапе первая команда победила вторую и потом стала чемпионом мира а вторая осталась без медалей. Так кто из них был выше по итогам и что это доказывает? Названия команд можешь проставить сам.

Я ранжировал и ранжирую в итогах Евросезона победителя КУЕФА сразу после полуфиналистов ЛЧ, а финалиста КУЕФА на уровне четвертьфиналистов ЛЧ (обоснований я приводил уже достаточно, повторяться не буду). То есть если Зенит выйдет в финал КУЕФА а Реал вылетит в 1-8 ЛЧ, то Зенит займёт по итогам этого Евросезона место выше Реала и результат товарняка между ними в этом никакого для меня значения не будет иметь. Сейчас же мы имеем только лишь промежуточный результат.

Впрочем я сейчас не могу с уверенностью прогнозировать как далеко Зенит пройдёт весной в КУЕФА. это зависит от многого, в часности перестановок в межсезонку. Спады за подъёмами и подъёмы за спадами - явление типичное, не понимать этого и делать какие то выводы из сравнения итогов предыдущего сезона с промежуточными результатами следующего может только полдный идиот вроде тебя.
Valkeasaari, Россия
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мордехай петрович


Мне беляши нравятся.
Судья же профессионально выполнил свою работу, обычное домашнее судейство большой команды. А ты чо хотел? Пеналь на Гаррике и красную Каннаваро...не смеши себя. ))

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Красно-Белый Питер

Rafael "Rafa" Benítez Maudes (born 16 April 1960) is a Spanish football manager. He has been managing English club Liverpool since June 2004.

Born in Madrid, Benítez played football throughout his youth and joined the Real Madrid academy. He mixed his university studies with his football career at lower division Spanish teams but injury caused him to prematurely retire. He joined Real Madrid's coaching staff at the age of 26, going on to work as the under 19 and reserve teams coach, and assistant manager for the senior team. Benítez moved away from Real Madrid but management spells at Real Valladolid and CA Osasuna were short-lived and unsuccessful.

A move to Segunda División side CF Extremadura in 1997 was much more fruitful and Benítez guided the team back to the Primera División in his first season. The team were relegated the following season and he left the club, taking a brief break from football before returning to coach CD Tenerife in 2000. In 2001 Benítez was appointed coach of Valencia CF and he proved himself to be amongst the top Spanish managers by winning La Liga in the 2001-02. Both Don Balón and El País recognised his achievements and he was named Manager of the Year. He proved his mettle in both Spanish and European competition in 2004 by winning the league for a second time and Valencia's first UEFA Cup, making him the most successful Valencia manager in history after just three seasons. However, a disagreement between Benítez and the club director over team investment caused the Spaniard to switch to English Premier League outfit Liverpool.

Benítez was a high-achiever in his first season as he guided Liverpool to victory in the UEFA Champions League, the highest honour in European club football. This made him only the third manager, after Bob Paisley and José Mourinho, to win the UEFA Cup and UEFA Champions League in successive seasons and the second Liverpool manager, after Joe Fagan, to win the European Cup/UEFA Champions League in his first season in charge. Additionally, in 2005 he won the European Super Cup and was runner up in the Football League Cup. In 2006 he led the team to victory in the FA Cup and the FA Community Shield. Benítez reached the Champions League final again in 2007 but remained unable to finish in the top two of the Premier League, placing third in consecutive seasons.
Rafael Benítez Maudes was born on April 16, 1960, into a middle-class Madrid family. His father, Francisco Benítez, worked as a hotelier. His mother is Rosario Maudes. Rosario was a big football fan and supported Real Madrid, while his father supported Atletico Madrid. Francisco died in December 2005 while Benítez was in Japan for the FIFA Club World Championship. He is the second of three children. His older brother, also called Francisco, was born in 1959, while his younger sister, called Rosario, was born several years later. Both studied veterinary science and Rosario later became a vet. In 1998, Benítez married his wife, Maria de Montserrat, a Doctor of Law, born in Ourense. They have two daughters, Claudia, who was born in Madrid in 1999, and Ágata who was born in Valencia in 2002.[2]

[edit] Early career

[edit] Playing career
The young Benitez attended several schools throughout Madrid and played for various school teams. Among his school friends and team mates was Ricardo Gallego. He also showed his early potential as a coach when at the age of thirteen he began training a children’s football team. At the age of twelve Benítez joined the Real Madrid cantera. He progressed through the ranks, playing as a midfielder for both Real Madrid Aficionados in the Tercera División and Castilla CF, in the Segunda División. He also enrolled as a student at INEF, the sports faculty at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and in 1982 he obtained a degree in Physical Education.

In 1979 Benítez was selected to play for the Spain Universities XI at the World Student Games in Mexico City and he scored a penalty in the opening game, a 4–0 win against Cuba. In the next game, a 0–0 draw against Canada, he was injured following a hard tackle. The injury saw him sidelined for a year which realistically ended his chances of becoming a major player. In 1981 Benítez joined Tercera División side AD Parla. Initially he joined Parla on loan, but eventually signed for them permanently and helped them gain promotion to Segunda División B. He also played a further three games for the Spain Universities XI. In 1985 he signed for Segunda División B club Linares CF and under Enrique Mateos he served as a player/coach. Further injury problems saw him miss almost the entire 1985–86 season and he subsequently retired as a player.[3]

[edit] Real Madrid youth coach
In 1986, at the age of twenty six, Benítez returned to Real Madrid and joined the club’s coaching staff. At the start of the 1986-87 season he was appointed coach of Castilla B. With this team he won two league titles in 1987 and 1989. He won a third league title with Real Madrid Youth B in 1990. Halfway through the 1990-91 season he succeeded José Antonio Camacho as the coach of the Real Madrid U-19s. With this team he won the Spain U-19 Cup in 1991 and 1993, beating FC Barcelona in both finals. In 1993 the team completed a double when they also won the national U-19 league. While at Real, Benítez also gained his coaching certificate in 1989 and in the summer of 1990 he taught at a football camp at UC Davis in California.

During the 1992-93 season Benítez also worked as an assistant coach to Mariano García Remón at Real Madrid B. After his success with the U-19s, Benítez then succeeded García Remón at the start of the 1993-94 season. Real Madrid B were then playing in the Segunda División and on September 4 1993 he made his debut as a Segunda División manager with a 3-1 over Hércules CF. In March 1994 he became assistant manager to Vicente Del Bosque with the senior Real Madrid team before returning to coach Real Madrid B for the 1994-95 season.[4]

[edit] Promotion specialist
The first attempts by Benítez at senior management away from the Real Madrid fold were less than successful. He was appointed manager of Real Valladolid for the 1995–96 season but was sacked after only two wins in 23 games with the club bottom of the Primera División. During the 1996–97 season, Benítez took charge at CA Osasuna in the Segunda División but after only 9 games and one win he was sacked. He did, however, meet the fitness instructor Pako Ayestaran at the club, and went on to form a partnership with him at several clubs for the next decade. In 1997, he joined another Segunda División side, CF Extremadura and this time led them to promotion, finishing second in the table behind Deportivo Alavés, after winning 23 out of 42 games. CF Extremadura only survived one season in Primera División, however, and were relegated in 1999 after finishing seventeenth and losing a play-off to Villarreal CF.

Benítez subsequently quit CF Extremadura and took a year out studying in England and Italy. He also worked as a commentator/analyst for Eurosport, Marca, El Mundo and local Madrid TV. In 2000 he was appointed manager of CD Tenerife of the Segunda División and with a team that included Mista, Curro Torres and Luis García, he gained promotion to La Liga by finishing third in the league behind Sevilla FC and Real Betis.

[edit] Valencia CF

[edit] 2001–02 - Champions of Spain
In 2001 Benítez was appointed coach of Valencia CF, replacing Hector Cuper. The club had previously approached Javier Irureta, Mané and Luis Aragonés and had been turned down by all three. However the club director Javier Subirats recognised the potential of Benítez and campaigned for his appointment. Despite the loss of both Gaizka Mendieta and Claudio López, he inherited from Cuper a team brimming with potential. Santiago Cañizares, Roberto Ayala, Rubén Baraja, David Albelda and Pablo Aimar provided the backbone of an already formidable but underachieving side.

Valencia CF fans were soon won over by Benítez as he introduced a more attacking style of play. He also made good use of both Mista and Curro Torres and Mista went on to become top goalscorer for Valencia CF with 19 goals in the 2003–04 season and Curro Torres became an established international. In 2002, these tactics saw Benítez lead Valencia CF to their first La Liga title in thirty one years, winning it by a seven point margin over second placed Deportivo de La Coruña.

However the following season 2002–03 was a disappointing one as the club failed to follow up on their title success, they finished only fifth in La Liga, eighteen points behind Champions Real Madrid. The season saw Benítez make his debut in the UEFA Champions League. Valencia CF reached the quarter-finals before losing to Inter Milan.

[edit] 2003–04 - La Liga/UEFA Cup double
The 2003–04 season was a different story. Valencia CF won La Liga with three games to go and beat Olympique de Marseille 2–0 in the UEFA Cup final. Despite this success, Benítez fell out with Jesus Garcia Pitarch, the club's director of sport, over control of new signings and the club's failure to reinforce the squad with the players he wanted. These differences of opinion saw Benítez resign as Valencia CF coach in June 2004. He famously said "I asked for a table and they bought me a lampshade" in reference to the players he wanted the club to sign.

[edit] Liverpool

[edit] 2004–05 - Champions of Europe
Liverpool were quick to take advantage of the disharmony at Valencia CF and Benítez was appointed manager of the English Premiership club on June 16, 2004, replacing Gérard Houllier. Arriving at Liverpool, he found himself in a very similar position to the one he had found at Valencia CF. The club had a talented but underperforming squad that included, among others, Steven Gerrard, Jamie Carragher, Dietmar Hamann, Harry Kewell, Steve Finnan and Sami Hyypiä.

Benítez had barely arrived at Liverpool when Michael Owen was sold to Real Madrid. He subsequently signed several players from La Liga, most notably Luis García, Fernando Morientes and Xabi Alonso. During his first season Benítez failed to improve the club's form in the Premiership. Key players such as Steven Gerrard, Milan Baroš, Djibril Cissé, Xabi Alonso and Dietmar Hamann missed much of the season through injury and Liverpool failed to challenge Chelsea and Arsenal for the league title. They eventually finished fifth. However, they did reach the Carling Cup final against Chelsea at the Millennium Stadium but Liverpool lost 3–2 after extra time.

In the UEFA Champions League it was very different, despite a poor start. Liverpool began their campaign with an unimpressive 2–1 aggregate win over Grazer AK in the qualifying rounds and were minutes away from going out of the competition in the group stages before an 87th minute goal by Gerrard defeated Olympiakos 3–1 and saw the club progress to the last sixteen. Bayer Leverkusen were beaten 3–1 home and away followed by Juventus who were beaten 2–1 on aggregate.

In the semi-final Liverpool faced Chelsea, runaway leaders in the Premiership and favourites to win after overcoming the highly rated FC Barcelona in a previous round. Chelsea had already beaten Liverpool in the League Cup final and twice in the Premiership. After a goalless leg at Stamford Bridge, an early goal from Luis García saw Liverpool win 1–0 on aggregate and reach the final against AC Milan. In a classic final, Liverpool came from 3–0 down at half-time to level the score at 3–3 (in the space of just under 6 minutes) and eventually won on penalties with the assistance of Jerzy Dudek, giving Liverpool an historic fifth European Cup.

[edit] 2005–06 - FA Cup winners
For the 2005–06 season Benítez further reinforced the Liverpool squad by signing Peter Crouch, Mohamed Sissoko, José "Pepe" Reina, Boudewijn Zenden and Daniel Agger, as well as former Liverpool player (and fan favourite) Robbie Fowler in the January transfer window.

It is notable that Dudek's heroics in the Champions league final were not enough for him to stay as first choice keeper, as Reina replaced him in goal right away. Benitez also quickly discarded unlikely heroes Vladimír Šmicer and Igor Biscan, who played key roles in the European success but seemingly did not figure in Benítez' long-term plans. Benitez also quickly sold two of his first signings in English football, Josemi and Antonio Núñez after they failed to establish themselves. This is an example of what some may see as Benítez' ruthlessness.

The improvements saw the club's Premiership form improve considerably. Liverpool finished third in the league, qualifying for the UEFA Champions League and only narrowly missed out on second place by 1 point. Liverpool also won the FA Cup beating both Manchester United and Chelsea on the way to the final against West Ham Utd. History repeated itself in the final as they then went on to lift the trophy after a penalty shoot-out, following a dramatic 3-3 draw. Liverpool came from 2–0 down and were losing 3–2 in stoppage time when Steven Gerrard scored a dramatic late equalizer. This time Pepe Reina saved three penalties during the shoot-out to secure the silverware.

In winning the FA Cup 'Rafa' became the only manager in the history of Liverpool Football Club to win major trophies in both of his first two seasons at the club.

[edit] 2006–07 - Another Champions League Final
Benitez's Liverpool claimed the first domestic honours of the 2006–07 season with a 2–1 victory over Chelsea in the Community Shield, despite fielding a weakened side with Gerrard and Alonso on the substitutes bench. The English Press were predicting Liverpool would challenge Chelsea for the Premiership crown after Benitez addressed Liverpool's perceived weaknesses in the transfer window by signing strikers Craig Bellamy and Dirk Kuyt as well as wingers Jermaine Pennant and Mark Gonzalez.

Although Liverpool had qualified for the knockout stage of the UEFA Champions League with two games to spare (a new record for the club), and then going on to win the group with one game still left, Benitez's future at the Liverpool was called into question after poor away results in the league: his agent was quoted as saying he would consider offers to manage in Italy.[5] Benitez swiftly issued a statement through the club's website re-affirming his desire to remain with Liverpool for the long term.[6]

Although the team's league results improved, their defence of the FA Cup lasted just one game as they were knocked out by Arsenal at Anfield; and four days later they were knocked out of the League Cup, also by Arsenal losing 6–3 at Anfield, Liverpool's heaviest home defeat since 1913. However this was soon forgotten when Liverpool beat Chelsea 2–0 at Anfield, Benitez's first league victory over Jose Mourinho's side. At the end of the league campaign, Liverpool were on 68 points, beating Arsenal to third place on goal difference but their poor away form had prevented the title challenge many were expecting - they did not win away in the League until December.

Liverpool's 2006–07 Champions League campaign proved successful. Liverpool finished top of Group C in the group stages after beating Maccabi Haifa in the 3rd qualifying round. They were then drawn against defending champions FC Barcelona in the first round of the knockout stages. Benitez' side did not have ideal preparations with a reported altercation between Liverpool players Craig Bellamy and John Arne Riise days before the winning the first leg 2-1 at Camp Nou.[7] This was seen as a major test of Benitez' man-management at the time and he subsequently fined both players.[8] Remarkably, Riise and Bellamy combined to score the second goal of a 2–1 victory in the first leg and Liverpool held Barca to just one goal in a 0–1 loss in the return at Anfield, thus progressing on the away goals rule. In preparation for the second game, Barca's Dutch coach Frank Rijkaard described Liverpool's style of play: "The style Liverpool have - quite physical and tactically disciplined - once you have seen a couple of their games you know how they play."[9]

In the quarter-finals, Liverpool achieved a 3–0 first leg lead over PSV Eindhoven, before sealing their place in the semi-finals with a 1–0 win at Anfield with Benitez resting several key players including Gerrard.

In the first match of the semi-final against Chelsea, Liverpool lost 1–0 at Chelsea, but won the return leg 1–0, and then ultimately winning 4–1 in a penalty shoot-out after extra time. After the game, Liverpool's new co-owner George Gillett said: "Rafa has been tremendous ... We knew of him but I don't think we realized how good he was, and not just as a coach. Not only was he a brilliant coach but he is a very sharp, savvy businessman. He knows what he wants and how to get it. The more we have seen of him the more impressed we have become."[10] During the penalty shoot out, Rafa was noted for sitting down cross-legged in his technical area. He later explained that it was because fans were complaining that they could not see.

Liverpool contended with AC Milan for their sixth European Cup in Athens, Greece on May 23, 2007, in a repeat of the 2005 final but lost 2–1, after two goals by Filippo Inzaghi. Dirk Kuyt's late consolation goal from a header off Jermaine Pennant's corner was in vain, as Milan held on to win the game. Following the defeat Benitez insisted his club's new owners had to back him in the transfer market in order for Liverpool to progress.[11] It was reported Benitez did not feel he had the complete support of the new owners, a thought that was compounded by Liverpool's initial lack of activity in the transfer window, although the club played these rumours down.[12]

During the season, Benitez continued to develop the youth team, bringing in players such as Emiliano Insua, Sebastián Leto and Jordy Brouwer. The scouting programme had already successfully captured the likes of Daniel Agger, Mark González, Gabriel Paletta, Scott Carson, Miquel Roque, Godwin Antwi, Astrit Ajdarevic, Paul Anderson and Nabil El Zhar.

[edit] 2007–08 - Cash flow and crisis

Benítez in 2007.Benítez released several players in the summer, including fan-favourites Robbie Fowler, Luis García and Jerzy Dudek as well as Djibril Cissé and Craig Bellamy. Benitez also tried to sign left-back Gabriel Heinze from Manchester United, however on August 21, 2007 an FA panel ruled that Manchester United were under no obligation to sell Heinze to a rival club.[13]

Liverpool's new owners Tom Hicks and George Gillett provided Benítez with transfer funds for the new season to attempt to bridge the gap to Premiership rivals Manchester United and Chelsea. Benítez broke Liverpool's transfer record when signing Spanish striker Fernando Torres from Atletico Madrid as well as signing Ajax's young Dutch forward Ryan Babel, West Ham attacking midfielder Yossi Benayoun, Brazilian player of the year Lucas Leiva and Andriy Voronin on Bosman. During the pre-season he also invested in a number of young foreign players such as Bulgarian under-21 goalkeeper Nikolay Mihaylov, Australian Dean Bouzanis Hungarian starlets Krisztian Nemeth, Andras Simon, Peter Gulacsi and poached young superstars Dani Pacheco and Gerardo Bruna from Barcelona and Real Madrid respectively. Charles Itandje was signed as cover for Pepe Reina after Scott Carson was loaned to Aston Villa for the season.

Liverpool made a good start to the new league season and remained unbeaten at the end of November, having topped the Premier League table for the first time under Benitez after a comprehensive 6–0 win over Derby County. Despite this, poor results in the Champions League and a disagreement over future transfers lead to a public falling-out with the club's owners, played out in the media at the end of November and it was suggested that Benitez's position was now under serious threat. The resulting coverage resulted in an overwhelming show of support by fans in support of Benitez which culminated in a fans' march in support of Benitez ahead of the critical Champions League home tie with Porto, which they won 4–1.[14] It has since emerged that at the time Jürgen Klinsmann was offered the Liverpool job before accepting the post of Bayern Munich manager and numerous sources have linked Benitez to Real Madrid.[15]

[edit] 2008–09
However Liverpool made an impressive start to the 2008–09 season recording the best ever start made by Liverpool in the Barclays Premier League.[citation needed] Benitez recorded his first ever league win against Manchester United at Anfield on the 13 September and went on to beat Chelsea at Stamford Bridge on the 25 October, to end Chelsea's unbeaten run of 86 home league games.[16] It was announced on the 7 November 2008 that Benitez had begun negotiations for a new contract with club owners Tom Hicks and Goerge Gillette.[17] Both owners have announced, that they have full confidence in Benitez and are delighted with the club's progress with him as manager.[citation needed] On 14 November, Benitez was awarded the Barclays Premier League Manager of the Month award, for Liverpool's four consecutive league victories.

On 26 November 2008, with the Champions League group stage game against Olympique Marseille, Benitez broke Bill Shankly's record of 65 European matches as Liverpool manager and matched Bob Paisley's European record of 39 wins.[18]

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The first crest of Real Madrid had a simple design. It consisted of a decorative interlacing of the three initials of the club, "MCF" for Madrid Club de Fútbol, in dark blue on a white shirt. The first change in the crest occurred in 1908 when the letters adopted a more streamlined form and appeared inside a circle.[35] The next change in the configuration of the crest did not occur until the Presidency of Pedro Parages in 1920. At that time, King Alfonso XIII granted the club his royal patronage which came in the form of the title "Real", roughly translated as "Royal".[36] Thus, Alfonso's crown was added to the crest and the club styled itself Real Madrid Club de Futbol.[35] With the dissolution of the monarchy in 1931, all the symbols of the Royalty were eliminated. Therefore, the crown on the crest and the title of Real were removed. In its place, the dark mulberry band of the Region of Castile was added.[16] In 1941, two years after the end of the Civil War, the crest's "Real Corona", or "Royal Crown", was restored while the mulberry stripe of Castile was retained as well.[17] In addition, the colors were modified in that the crest was made full color, with gold being the most prominent, and the club was again called Real Madrid Club de Futbol.[35]

The most recent modification to the crest occurred in 2001 when the club wanted to better position itself for the twenty-first century and further standardize its crest. One of the modifications made was changing the mulberry stripe to a more bluish shade.[35]

Real Madrid traditional home coulours are all white, although it initially adopted a blue oblique stripe on the shirt (the design was kept in the club crest); but unlike today, dark blue socks were worn.[15][37] The striped shirt was replaced by an all-white version, modeled after the shirt worn by Corinthian F.C., in 1902.[7][38] In the same year, the blue socks were replaced by black ones. By the early 1940s the manager changed the kit again by adding buttons to the shirt and the club's crest on the left breast (which have remained ever since). On 23 November 1947, in a game against Atlético Madrid at the Metropolitano Stadium, Real Madrid became the first Spanish team to wear numbered shirts.[17]

Real's traditional away colours are all black or all purple. The club's kit is currently manufactured by Adidas whose contract extends from 1998.[39][40] Real Madrid's first shirt sponsor, Zanussi, agreed for the 1982–83, 1983–84 and 1984–85 seasons. Following that, the club was sponsored by Parmalat and Otaysa before a long-term deal was signed with Teka in 1992.[41][42] In 2001, Real Madrid ended their contract with Teka and for one season used the Realmadrid.com logo to promote its website. Then, in 2002, a deal was signed with Siemens Mobile and in 2006, the BenQ Siemens logo appeared on the club's shirt.[43] Real Madrid's current shirt sponsor is bwin.com following the economic problems of BenQ Siemens.[44][45]

Main articles: Santiago Bernabéu Stadium, Alfredo Di Stéfano Stadium, and Estadio Chamartín

Real Madrid at Santiago Bernabéu during a 2007 match with Real BetisAfter its foundation in 1902, the club moved in its first years between some minor grounds before moving to the Campo de O'Donnell in 1912.[13] This ground remained its home ground for eleven years. After this period, the club moved for one year to the Campo de Ciudad Lineal, a small ground with a capacity of 8,000 spectators. After that, Real Madrid moved its home matches to the old Estadio Chamartín which was inaugurated on 17 May 1923 with a match against Newcastle United. In this stadium, which hosted 22,500 spectators, Real Madrid celebrated its first Spanish league title.[15] After some successes, the 1943 elected president Santiago Bernabéu decided that the Estadio Chamartín wasn't big enough for the ambitions of the club. A new stadium was built and was inaugurated on 14 December 1947.[17][46] This was the Santiago Bernabéu Stadium as it is known today, although it didn't acquire this name until 1955.[18] The first match played in the new stadium was played between Real Madrid and the Portuguese club Belenenses and won by The Whites with 3–1, the first goal being scored by Sabino Barinaga.[17]

The capacity has changed frequently, peaking at 120,000 after a 1953 expansion.[47][48] Since then, there have been a number of reductions due to modernizations (the last standing places went away in 1998–99 in response to UEFA regulations which forbids standing at matches in the UEFA competition), countered to some extent by expansions.[47] The last change was an increase of about five thousand to a capacity of 80,354, effected in 2003. A plan to add a retractable roof has been announced.[49]

The Bernabéu has hosted the 1964 European Championship final, the 1982 FIFA World Cup final, the 1957, 1969 and 1980 European Cup finals and is due to host the 2010 Champions League Final.[50] The stadium has its own Madrid Metro station along the 10 line called Santiago Bernabéu. Its location, in the heart of Madrid's business district, is quite unusual for a football stadium.[51] The Bernabeu has recently been upgraded to Elite Football Stadium status by UEFA.[52]

On 9 May 2006, the Alfredo Di Stéfano Stadium was inaugurated at the City of Madrid where Real Madrid usually trains. The inaugural match was played between Real Madrid and Stade Reims, a rematch of the 1956 European Cup final. Real Madrid won the inaugural match 6–1 with goals from Sergio Ramos, Cassano (2), Soldado (2), and Jurado. The venue is now part of the Ciudad Real Madrid, the club's new training facilities located outside Madrid in Valdebebas. The stadium holds 5,000 people and is where Real Madrid Castilla play all their home matches. It is named after former Real footballer Alfredo di Stéfano.[53]

Manuel Sanchís Hontiyuelo holds the record for Real Madrid appearances, having played 712 first-team matches between 1983 and 2001.[54] Forward Santillana comes second, having played 643 times. The record for a goalkeeper is held by Iker Casillas, with 418 appearances. With 127 caps (47 while at the club), Luís Figo of Portugal is Real's most capped international player.[55]

Alfredo di Stéfano is the club's all-time top goalscorer, with 307 goals in 396 games between 1953 and 1964.[56] Di Stéfano's 49 goals in 58 matches was for decades the all-time highest tally in the European Cup, until it was surpassed by Raúl González (also of Real Madrid) in 2005. Di Stéfano also holds the club record for most goals scored in the league, with 216. Real Madrid's current top-scorer is Raúl González with 211 in the league[57] and 304 in all competitions. The fastest goal in the history of the club (15 seconds) was scored by Brazilian Ronaldo on 3 December 2003 during a league match with Atlético Madrid.[58]

Officially, Real Madrid's highest home attendance is 83,329 for a Copa del Rey match in 2006. The current legal capacity of Santiago Bernabéu is 80,354.[59] The club's average attendance in 2007–08 season was 76,234, the highest in European Leagues.[60] Real have also set records in Spanish football, most notably the most domestic titles (31 as of 2007–08) and the most seasons won in a row (5, during 1960–65 and 1985–90).[61] With 121 matches (from 17 February 1957 to 7 March 1965), the club holds the world record for longest unbeaten run at home in La Liga.[62]

The Whites also hold the record for winning UEFA Champions League nine times and for the most semi-final appearances (21).[63] Raúl González is the all-time UEFA Champions League top scorer, with 64 goals. The team has the record number of consecutive participation in the Champions' Cup with 15, from 1955–56 to 1969–70. The fee of ?76 million (over $100 million, £45.8 million) for Zinedine Zidane's transfer from Juventus to Real Madrid in 2001 is the highest ever paid in the history of football.[7][64] The club's record sale came on 1 September 2008 , when they sold Robinho to Manchester City for ?42 million (£32.5 million).[65]

[edit] Supporters and rivalries
For more details on this topic, see El Clásico and El Derbi madrileño.
During most home matches the majority of the seats in the stadium are occupied by season ticket holders, of which there are average of 68,670.[1] To become a season ticket holder one must first be a socio, or club member. Not all members are able to get a season ticket. In addition to members, the club has more than 1,800 peñas (official, club-affiliated supporters' groups) in Spain and around the world. Real Madrid has the first highest average all-time attendance in Spanish football and regularly attract over 65,000 fans to Santiago Bernabéu; it was the second best-supported La Liga team in the 2004–05 season, with an average gate of 71,900.[66]

The club has a large and diverse fanbase, who hold some long-standing rivalries with other clubs; It semiannually contest the El Clásico with FC Barcelona which is its most notably rival.[67] Some of Real Madrid's fans are the so-called Ultras Sur supporters. They are known for their right-wing politics. The Ultras Sur have developed an alliance with some S.S. Lazio Irriducibili fans. On several occasions they have racially abused opposing players, and have been investigated by UEFA for doing so.[68][69]

[edit] El Clásico
The rivalry with FC Barcelona projects what some regard as the political tensions felt between Castilians and Catalans.[70] Madrid is the seat of the government and of the royal family. Especially during the Francoist era, it came to represent the conservative centripetal forces. On the other hand, almost all the ideas that have shaped Spain's modern history - republicanism, federalism, anarchism, syndicalism and communism - have been introduced in Spain -and become stronger- in Catalonia, namely in Barcelona. Fashions, whether in clothing, philosophy or art, used to enter via Barcelona before they gained greater acceptance in the rest of Spain.[71]

During the 1950s, the rivalry was intensified further when the clubs disputed the signing of Alfredo di Stéfano, who finally played for Real Madrid and was key in the subsequent success achieved by the club.[72] The 1960s saw the rivalry reach the European stage when they met twice at the European Cup, Real Madrid winning in 1960 and FC Barcelona winning in 1961. In 2000, the rivalry was reinforced following the controversial decision by Luís Figo to leave FC Barcelona and sign for Real Madrid.[73] The two teams met again in the 2002 UEFA Champions League semi-final. Real Madrid, the eventual champion, won the clash dubbed by Spanish media as the Match of the Century. As the two biggest and most successful clubs in Spain, the rivalry is renewed on an annual basis with both teams often challenging each other for the league championship.

[edit] El Derbi madrileño

Real Madrid supporters during the 2006 El Derbi madrileño matchThe club's nearest neighbour is Atlético Madrid, which is also seen as a viable rival by Real Madrid fans. Although Atlético was originally founded by three Basque students in 1903, it was joined in 1904 by dissident members of Madrid FC. Further tensions came because initially Real supporters came from the middle class while the Atlético supporters were drawn from the working class. Today these distinctions are largely blurred. They met for the first time on 21 February 1929 in matchday three of the first League Championship at the former Chamartín. It was the first official derby of the new tournament, and Real won 2–1.[15] The rivalry first gained international attention in 1959 during the European Cup when the two clubs met in the semi-final. Real won the first leg 2–1 at the Bernabéu while Atlético won 1–0 at the Metropolitano. The tie went to a replay and The Whites won 2–1. Atlético, however, gained some revenge when, led by former Real Madrid coach José Villalonga, it defeated The Whites in two successive Copa del Generalísimo finals in 1960 and 1961.[74]

Between 1961 and 1989, when Real dominated La Liga, only Atlético offered it any serious challenge, winning Liga titles in 1966, 1970, 1973 and 1977. In 1965, Atlético became the first team to beat Real at the Bernabéu in eight years. Real Madrid's record against Atlético in more recent times is very favorable.[75] A high point coming in the 2002–03 season, when The Whites clinched the La Liga title after beating Atlético 4–0 at the Vicente Calderón Stadium.[76]

[edit] Budget
It was with the advent of Florentino Pérez in 2000 that Real Madrid really started harbouring its present-day ambition of becoming the world's topmost money-spinning professional football club. The club ceded part of its training grounds to the City of Madrid in 2001 and sold the rest to four corporations: Repsol YPF, Mutua Automovilística de Madrid, Sacyr Vallehermoso and OHL. This wiped out its debts and paved the way for the club to continue to buy the world's most expensive players such as Zinedine Zidane, Luis Figo, Ronaldo and David Beckham, paving way to the Galáctico era. The City of Madrid had rezoned the training grounds for development, a process which in turn increased its value, and then bought the site.[30] The criticisms allege (although there is no evidence to the allegation) that the City of Madrid corruptly overpaid for the property to assist in turning around the club's financial fortunes.[77]

The sale of the training ground for office buildings cleared Real Madrid's debts of ?270m and enabled the club to embark upon an unprecedented spending spree which brought big-name players to the club. Moreover, the money gained was spent on a state-of-the-art training complex on the city's outskirts.[78]

After the 2004–05 season, Real Madrid have ended Manchester United's eight-year reign as the biggest earners in world football. Real's income to the year ending 30 June 2005 jumped 17 per cent to ?275.7m (£190m).[79]

In January 2007, Real Madrid paid their debts of ?224 million and fell to second spot behind Manchester United. However, they reached the top again in March by getting massive image rights of ?762 million. Manchester United's debt was ?872 million in 2007, down from ?1.25 billion in 2005.[80]

In September 2007, Real Madrid was considered the most valuable Football brand in Europe by BBDO,[81] and is currently ranked as the second most valuable club in football with a value of ?951 mil (£640 million / $1.285 billion) as of May 2008.[82] Also, it is still the richest club in football with a revenue of ?351 mil (£236 million / $474 million).[12][82]

A study at Harvard University reached the conclusion that Real Madrid "is one of the 20 most important brand names and the only one in which its executives, the players, are well-known. We have some spectacular figures: In the world there are 287 million people interested in Real Madrid, with a huge difference with regard to Manchester, in second place." [

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Красно-Белый Питер

Real Madrid Club de Fútbol (also known as Real Madrid, Los Blancos, Los Merengues) is a professional football club based in Madrid, Spain. It holds the record as the most effective team in Spanish football and was voted by FIFA as the most successful club of the 20th century,[6] having won a record thirty-one La Liga titles, seventeen Spanish Cups, a record nine European Cups and two UEFA Cups.[7][8] Real was a founding member of FIFA[9] and the now-defunct G-14 group of Europe's leading football clubs as well as its replacement, the European Club Association.[10]

Founded in 1902, Real Madrid has since spent all of its history in the top flight of Spanish football. In the 1940s, the club, the Santiago Bernabéu Stadium and the Ciudad Deportiva were rebuilt following the Spanish Civil War. During the 1950s, Real Madrid established itself as a major force in both Spanish and European football. During the second half of the 1980s, the club had one of the best teams in Spain and Europe (known as La Quinta del Buitre), winning two UEFA Cups, five Spanish championships in a row, one Spanish cup and three Spanish Super Cups.

The club's traditional home colours are all white. It has played its home professional games in the Santiago Bernabéu Stadium in downtown Madrid since 1947. Unlike most European football clubs, Real Madrid's members (socios) have owned and operated the club since its inception.

Real Madrid maintains a large fanbase and holds numerous long-standing rivalries with several other clubs. It semiannually contest the El Clásico with FC Barcelona which is the most notable rival of The Whites. The club is the world's richest football club (?351m) in terms of revenue and the second most valuable (worth over ?950m as of 2008).[11][12]
Football was introduced to Madrid by the professors and students of the Institución Libre de Enseñanza, which included several Oxbridge graduates.[3] They founded Football Club Sky in 1897, playing on Sunday mornings at Moncloa.[3] This club split in 1900 into two different clubs: New Foot-Ball de Madrid and Club Español de Madrid. The latter club split again in 1902, resulting in the formation of Madrid Football Club on 6 March 1902.[3] Only three years after its foundation, in 1905, Madrid FC won its first official title in the history of the club after defeating Athletic Bilbao in the Spanish Cup final.[3] The team won the first of four consecutive Copa del Rey titles (at that time the only statewide competition).[3] The club became one of the founding sides of the Spanish Football Association on 4 January 1909, when club president Adolfo Meléndez signed the foundation agreement of the Spanish FA.[3] After moving among some minor grounds, in 1912, the team settled at the ground that came to be called "Campo de O'Donnell".[13] In 1920, the club's name was changed to Real Madrid after King Alfonso XIII granted the title of Real (Royal) to the club.[14]

In 1929, the first Spanish football league was founded. Real Madrid had leading the first edition until the last match of the season, but a loss to Athletic Bilbao at San Mamés kept Madrid from winning the title. They had to settle for runner-up, just one point behind Barcelona.[15] Real Madrid won its first League title in the 1931–32 season. The Whites won the League again the following year, and thus became the first side to have won the championship twice.[16]

Santiago Bernabéu Yeste became president of Real Madrid in 1945.[17] Under his presidency, the club, the Santiago Bernabéu Stadium and the Ciudad Deportiva were rebuilt following the Spanish Civil War. Beginning in 1953, he embarked upon a strategy of signing world-class players from abroad, the most prominent of them being the signing of Alfredo di Stéfano. Thus, he built the world's first multinational side.[18]

In 1955, acting upon the idea proposed by the French sports journalist and editor of L'Équipe Gabriel Hanot, and building upon the Copa Latina (a tournament involving clubs from France, Spain, Portugal and Italy), Bernabéu met in the Ambassador Hotel in Paris with Bedrignan and Gusztáv Sebes and created what today is known as the UEFA Champions League.[19] It was under Bernabéu's guidance that Real Madrid established itself as a major force in both Spanish and European football. The club won the European Cup five times in a row between 1956 and 1960, which included the 7–3 Hampden Park final against Eintracht Frankfurt in 1960.[18] Winning the competition five consecutive times saw Real permanently awarded the original cup and earning the right to wear the UEFA badge of honour.[20] The club won the European Cup for a sixth time in 1966 defeating FK Partizan 2–1 in the final with a team composed entirely of nationally born players (known as the Ye-yé team) – a first in the competition.[21] The name "Ye-yé" came from the "Yeah, yeah, yeah" chorus in the Beatles' song "She Loves You" after four members of the team posed for Diario Marca dressed in Beatles wigs. The Ye-yé generation was also European Cup runner-up in 1962 and 1964.

In the 1970s, Real Madrid won 5 league championships and 3 Spanish Cups.[22] In 1971, the club played it's first UEFA Cup Winners' Cup final, being defeated by English side Chelsea F.C. with 2-1.[23] On 2 July 1978, club president Santiago Bernabéu passed away while the World Cup was being played in Argentina. In his honor FIFA decreed three days of mourning during the tournament.[24] His death put an end to the one to whom credit can be given for transforming Real Madrid from the second most successful club in Madrid into the most successful in Spain, and one of the most successful in Europe. The following year, the club organized the first edition of Santiago Bernabéu Trophy in the memory of its former president.

By the early 1980s, Real Madrid had lost its grasp on the La Liga title until a new batch of home-grown stars started to back winning domestic titles.[25] Spanish sport journalist Julio César Iglesias gave to this generation the name La Quinta del Buitre ("Vulture's Cohort"), which was derived from the nickname given to one of its members, Emilio Butragueño. The other four members were Manuel Sanchís, Martín Vázquez, Míchel and Miguel Pardeza.[26] With La Quinta del Buitre (reduced to four members when Pardeza left the club for Zaragoza in 1986) Real Madrid had one of the best teams in Spain and Europe during the second half of the 1980s, winning two UEFA Cups, five Spanish championships in a row, one Spanish cup and three Spanish Super Cups.[26]

In the early 1990s, La Quinta del Buitre split up after Martín Vázquez, Emilio Butragueño and Míchel left the club. In 1996, President Lorenzo Sanz appointed Fabio Capello as coach.[6] Although his tenure lasted only one season, Real Madrid was proclaimed league champion and players like Roberto Carlos, Predrag Mijatović, Davor Šuker and Clarence Seedorf arrived at the club to strengthen a squad that already boasted the likes of Raúl González, Fernando Hierro and Fernando Redondo. As a result, Real Madrid (with the addition of Fernando Morientes in 1997) finally ended its 32-year wait for its seventh European Cup. In 1998, under manager Jupp Heynckes, The Whites defeated Juventus 1–0 in the final thanks to a goal from Predrag Mijatović.[6][27]

Real Madrid's players celebrate their 2008 Supercopa de España title win.In July 2000, Florentino Pérez was elected club president.[28] His campaign vowed to erase the club's debt and modernize the club's facilities. However, the primary electoral promise that propelled Pérez to victory was the signing of Luís Figo.[29] The following year, the club controversially got its training ground rezoned and used the money to begin assembling the famous Galáctico side including players such as Zidane, Ronaldo, Luís Figo, Roberto Carlos, Raúl González and David Beckham. It is debatable whether the gamble paid off, as despite a European Cup win in 2002, followed by the League in 2003, the club failed to win a major trophy for the next three seasons.[30]

Ramón Calderón was elected as club president on 2 July 2006 and subsequently appointed Fabio Capello as the new coach and Predrag Mijatović as the new sporting director.[6] Real Madrid won the La Liga title in 2007 for the first time in four years.[31] However, Capello was dismissed in June 2007, and replaced by German manager and former player Bernd Schuster.[32][33] The Whites ended the 2007–08 season with the 31st league title and the first consecutive league title in eighteen years
Atlanta, USA
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2мордехай петрович(132046)
То то и оно что никто. А тебе судья понравился ...

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Скажи,а если Зенит опять купит УЕФА,то будет ли этот резульата равносилен выходу в 1/4 или 1/2 ЛЧ,как ты говорил раньше?

Кстати,спецом для тебя,Зенит показал 7 из 8 результат среди тех,кто занял 3 место в группе:


Представляешь,Зенит в ЛЧ показал 23 результат из 32 команд. Хорошо,что в группе было Батэ.

Кстати,как тебе 14 очков Баварии на фоне 5 очков Зенита,который под ЛЧ купил Данни за 30 млн Евро.

Правда,справедливость и неподкупность 4:0 нашли свое полное подтверждение касательно силы Зенита и Баварии

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Красно-Белый Питер

С победой, господа МАДРИДИСТЫ!!
Valkeasaari, Россия
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мордехай петрович

" А вот пеналь Денисове был "

Ага, был - и кто пробивал? Я чего-то упустил? ;О))
Atlanta, USA
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2мордехай петрович(132043)
В первом тайме оборонялись неплохо и вполне могли ловить шансы на контратаке. При всех ударах настоящих моментов Реал практически не имел, а гол возник из ничего. А вот пеналь Денисове был (и кстати после стеночки с Шавой). Во втором тайме всё разладилось, постоянно выпускали игроков Реала на Славу или давали бить, если б не Слава голов было б больше. Штанги напротив в конце когда Реал обеспечил результат и стал беречь силы на Барселону, и Рамос стал выпускать скамейку (причём эти моменты - не результат каких то продуманных комбинаций).

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Говорят,что замена Аршавина после 1 тайма вызвана тем,что его гениальная и божественная игра в первые 45 минут произвела такое впечатление на руководство Реала,что Лахтера попросили официально оформить переход Аршавина прямо в перерыве игры,чтобы его никто не перехватил из грандов-конкурентов после окончания матча.

За трансфер Реал даже не торговался,заплатили 25 млн Евро одним траншем,как и просило руководство Газпрома.
Valkeasaari, Россия
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мордехай петрович


Мне игра совсем не понравилась, а первый тайм, так просто - говно полное. (соотношение ударов 15 : 2)
С выходом Файзуллина, а скорее, потому что Зенит перестал играть в десятером, хоть что-то..те же две перекладины и пара голевых моментов, например. Реал, правда, после 3 : 0 играть практически бросил.
Ладно, обосрались, чивоуж там.
Судья не причем. Рауль красафчег.
Atlanta, USA
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"суперкубок мог быть случайностью."

Это то конечно. Случайностью ведь были и победы Зенита над Вилльяреалом, марселем и Байером, и тоже над Баварией (пока не появился бред пьяного идиота в Эль-Паис). Проходили уже ... повторяешься.

"ты сказал, что бамжатнег был по всем показателям (фраза звучала именно так) выше спартака за период 2001-2007"

А вот попрошу мне своей х...ни не приписывать. Никогда не говорил про период 2001-2007 а говорил "за последние 7 лет (как звучало у тебя)." То есть если исключать из этого списка то скорее 2001 а не не 2008 (что только усиливает мою позицию). И за этот период как я только что показал Зенит действительно выше, причём формально,по всем показателям.

"с 2000 года по чемпионство зенита прошло 7 лет, а не 8."

А причём тут 2000 год и чемпионство Зенита? Ты это всё сейчас приплёл чтобы выпутаться. У тебя только было что я лет 7 дескать твердил про купленные чемпионства СМ. Ни 2000 год, ни чемпионство Зкенита в той фразе не фигурировали. Изволь отвечать за свой первоначальный базар а не за то что ты пытаешься спешно пришить к делу пост фактум.

"взять фразу, извратить ее смысл по принципу "рыбонька, передай за билет! - ... - граждане, он меня блядью обозвал!"(С), а потом приписывать оппоненту именно этот извращенный смысл и оспаривать именно его - это твой конек..."

Да нет дорогой, я комментирую фразы точно, как именно они сказаны, а ты вот вобосравшись вьёшься и пытаешься приплести то 2000 год, то чемпионство Зенита, чего в певоначальных фразах не было и в помине.

Я что перестал что ли после чемпионства Зенита говорить о купленных чемпионствах СМ? Я и в этом сезоне напоминал вам 96 год неоднократно. И дадьше буду вам напоминать. Это вам не бред пьяного Гены в Эль-Паис, тут аргументы покпепче. Так с каклй же стать ты вдруг решил брать именно период с 2000 по 2007? Потому что так считать тебе будет удобнее?

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Привожу список,с каим кол-вом очков вышли в весну УЕФА клубы,занявшеие 3 места в своих группах:


Победа в УЕФА равна полуфиналу ЛЧ,как говорит параноик-маразматик-идиот из Атланты.

Запомните это и расскaжите всем,кто вместо весны УЕФА попал по ошибке в весну ЛЧ.;)))))))))))))))

И еще мне понравилось сравнение Баварии и Зенита в ЛЧ после их совместног выступления в УЕФА.

Бавария-14 очков и 1 место после честного слива Зениту 0:4 и 0 на покупки новых игроков
Зенит-5 очков после честной победы над Баварией 4:0,плюс покупки за 30 млн Евро Данни под ЛЧ.
Atlanta, USA
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Чувствую у Тити будет теперь ник Спасибо, Реал.

Матч конечно товарищеский но тем не менее жаль что поражение крупное (любой другой исход был бы мне пофиг). В принципе это говорит что у Зенита есть проблемы с мотивацией, а это опасно. Хотя первый тайм был в общем нормальный, гол просто ляп Славы на пустом месте,, игра в общем неплохая. Но с какого дуба Адвокат заменил Шаву в перерыве я так и не понял. Шава не феерил так уж, но тем не менее от него шёл конструктив и он держал на себе игроков Реала. После замена игра разладилась, вот вам и итог. Хотя конечно не без невезения (две штанги чего стоят) да и не без необъективного или по крайней мере некачественного судейства (в первом тайме был пеналь на Денисове, во втором не было оффсайда при выходе Данни 1 на 1, и было нарушение Рамоса после которого Ширл получил желтяк за ответ). Это не меняет конечно общего соотношения сил, но разрыв в счёте должен был быть меньше.

Ну и хрен с ним. Как не особо радовались бы от победе в незначащем матче с кем бы то ни было так и от поражения в нём сильно огорчаться не будет. Может даже и хорошо что оно крупное - турнирного эффекта оно никакого не имеет а некоторым игрокам встряска от пофигизма.


Надеюсь что нет. В этом плане может и хорошо что игроки именно сейчас увидели что может произойти если они не будут в Европе весь маитч выкладываться по полной.

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